Ben Doernberg of Dogecoin on Moolah: ‘Their Reputation Is Absolutely Destroyed’

The recent shake up and then crash of Moolah, and apparently everything connected with it, has led to a great deal of speculation in the cryptocurrency community. Moolah CEO ‘Alex Green’ has issues several statements on the issue, officially resigning in his latest blog post. He also vehemently claimed that Moolah was not a scam and that the failure was simply caused by bad management. He also claims that any suggestions that he has been involved in scams in the past are completely false.
Because of the controversy, CoinTelegraph reached out to Ben Doernberg, former Board member of the Dogecoin Foundation for his comments. Doernberg has had numerous contacts with Green, including a video conference at which Green dyed his hair bright orange, and has provided us with his thoughts on the fiasco presented in the interview below. We would like to thank Ben for his input and contributions.
CoinTelegraph:So that our readers will be up-to-date, can you give us your background and your connections with Moopay LTD?
Ben Doernberg: Since April I have been trying to warn members of the digital currency community that Moopay LTD is not a reputable company and that Alex Green is most likely lying about his identity.
CT: What do you know about Alex Green’s possible real identity?
BD: After receiving several emails from concerned parties, including former employees, it’s come to light that ‘Alex Green’, CEO of Moolah appears to be well known internet scammer ‘Ryan Kennedy,’ also known as ‘Ryan Humble,’ ‘Ryan Gentle,’ and many other pseudonyms.

This post was published at Coin Telegraph on 2014-10-17.

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